Sep • 25 • 2018

My name Sela Thul. I am now 23-years-old, and quite successful in the technology industry but I was born into a farming family. My hometown is located in Saang district, Kandal province (Cambodia). I started school when I was 4-years-old, but it was a struggle for my family to afford it. When I was in grade 8, I became a Christian was also sponsored by ICCM in the House of Joy.
I received a scholarship to a university. I wanted to get a scholarship to USA, but my English was not quite good enough. When I was in year 2 of the university, I formed my own startup business by teaching myself some simple programming language in order to create a website advertising my personal assistant service called Tellsela.
My dream was to explore the world. When I finished university in 2015, I decided to work harder for my Tellsela service. My goal was to work, save money and then travel. Eventually I was able to travel to the US as had always been my dream, as well as many other countries. I enjoyed my travels, but I eventually came back to Cambodia to continue working on projects which will benefit poor students. Now I can help out at the House of Joy program that means so much to me.
Thank you, ICCM, and my sponsors who helped make my dream come true! ICCM has helped change the lives of a lot of children who are as grateful as me. I would not be where I am or who I am without you!