Feb • 09 • 2018
Pooja’s Story
Pooja* is the eldest daughter in her family. Her father, a carpenter and a devotee of a non christian religion, was the only earning member of the family. He worked hard to support his wife, their three children and his parents.
Pooja‘s father liked sending his children to an ICCM school because he believed in the values and discipline. Sadly, he died in June 2016, due to heart and kidney failure. After his death, the family had no one to help and his wife could not support the family because of her poor health.
Making a difference
Pooja was encouraged to go to church, so she did. She invited the local pastor to visit her mother. He and several others started praying for their needs. Slowly her mother started attending church with her children.
On November 1, at a school parents meeting, Pooja‘s mother testified, “After my husband’s death nobody cared for us, even my relatives abandoned us. It is only the church of the Lord Jesus that stood with us. Now I have confidence in my life after I accepted Jesus as my Savior.” She is very grateful for the sponsorship support for her children.
(*Pooja not her real name.)