Feb • 21 • 2018
Nicole is a beautiful 14-year-old girl. Her father is Chilean of Spanish descent, and her mother is a native to south Chile. Nicole lives with her parents. She divides her time between her studies and helping on the family farm.
When she was born, Nicole’s family had many economic and developmental needs as her parents were very young.
After they began attending the Free Methodist Church, Nicole and her sisters became part of the ICCM program. As sponsored children, they received Bible teaching at school. Nicole shared the gospel with her parents through a Wordless Book bracelet.
Now they attend church together! Nicole is a children’s Sunday School teacher.
Nicole‘s parents were trained in a special program the church had developed, to teach about the care of water consumption. Nicole´s mother learned how to make jams and preserves through another church program. Today they work as a family harvesting different crops which they take to the village to sell. They have a much better house now. With much effort they are even able to pay the university fees of Nicole‘s sister. In the community, they are an example of how the gospel can transform lives and open a world of possibilities using the resources that God has given them, as in this case their plot of land.
Nicole does’t know what she wants to study yet, but she wants to help people. It’s relevant to note the majority of children in this area yearn to overcome poverty and their current conditions, becoming a support for the good of the family.
Nicole´s family and all the ICCM sponsored children, appreciate the support and the work that the church is developing for their good.